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Trademark Registration in the United Kingdom

The U.K is the first to file jurisdiction. Thus, trademark rights are given to the first person who files it and not the issue. Its exceptions exist in bad faith-filled or well-known trademarks. Further, foreign entities or individuals can still be trademark owners in the U.K. However, they will need to be represented by a lawyer or law firm in the United Kingdom. Another advantage that comes with registering for a trademark in the U.K is that it's functional in its territory. This implies that it will work in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, and Scotland.
  • Trademark Registration in the Untied Kingdom

  • HeeJoe

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The United Kingdom registered trademarks have validity and legal cover in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. However, if you already have a trademark out of the U.K, it's obvious that its rights and legal protections are constrained within your country. For it to have legal protection and rights, you have to register it in other countries.


And so, to speak, if you have customers in the U.K or you intend to expand your business in the future, it will be imperative that you register for the U.K trademark.


While you prep to file your trademark in the U.K, you have a variety of options. First, you can use the Madrid protocol if you want to register in multiple countries.


The treaty permits trademark owners to internationally register with the U. K's 90 member countries on a sole application. However, it doesn't guarantee palatability in whichever country you choose. Again, you will need to pay the application fee for this treaty, and it factors depending on the country that approves your registration.


The Madrid protocol is vat covering the basics of the 90 member countries. Owing to these, some trademarks office may get back to you requesting additional documents. Also, the E.U. community trademark (CTM) is coherent with the Madrid protocol. As such, it guarantees rights to its 29 countries. Unfortunately, there is much skepticism with Brexit looming.


Therefore, it's recommended that anyone with a notion of filing a trademark in the U.K go directly to the IPO. The intellectual property office function as the U.K trademark office. Should you use it, fill out the trademark application in line with the UK’s needs and requests.


Further, filing with a country's trademark faculty speed up the registration process and elevates the approval chances. If your trademark plans are only concerned with the U.K, it will be the best you file with the IPO.


Why should you register a Trademark in the U.K.?

The U.K is the first to file jurisdiction. Thus, trademark rights are given to the first person who files it and not the issue. Its exceptions exist in bad faith-filled or well-known trademarks. Further, foreign entities or individuals can still be trademark owners in the U.K. However, they will need to be represented by a lawyer or law firm in the United Kingdom.


Another advantage that comes with registering for a trademark in the U.K is that it's functional in its territory. This implies that it will work in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, and Scotland.


General Costs of registering a trademark in the U.K.

There are many fees to be paid concerning the U.K trademark application. For instance, the application fee covering both application papers and the online procedure will amount to £370. In addition, there may be additional classes requested by the IPO, which cost £50. On the other hand, international fees are charged at £40 while the renewal fees go for £200.


Lastly, the notice of opposition will be charged between £100- £00. However, plenty of actions such as merging and dividing trademark applications require no fees. To get complete insight, see the IPO website.


Trademark Search United Kingdom

It's necessary to do a trademark search in the United Kingdom prior to the registration process. The IPO trademark specialist will service you in this regard. On the other hand, the law firm representing you should cross-check the name to see any similarities of the name suggested. The search is done globally, and the trademark will be rejected if it bears crown images or any member of the royal family.


Further, the search involves complete analysis, which the U.K IPO examiner does. So apart from showing your application's chances, the analytical report will also give recommendations to help you increase approval chances. And this may help you contemplate if proceeding with the application is worth it. Still, you may want to negotiate coexistent agreements after this, which may involve getting third-party trademarks or rebranding, if need be.


Process of Registering a Trademark in the U.K.

Being one of the fastest trademark application processes in the world, the UK trademark application will take nearly three months to reach completion. However, it's not a must for a trademark to be functional to be filed for, registered, or accepted in the U.K. The previous use suffices to outdo any objections perpetuated concerning the void of distinctiveness.


Once the IPO exams prove no objections regarding the trademark, it immediately gets published in the United Kingdom trademark journal. Once published, it will be on hold for two months, wherein third parties may raise opposition. To some extent, this period may take three months. Filing a trademark directly through the trademark office of the United Kingdom is not the only way to.


Further FAQs about Trademark Registration in the U.K.


1.   What are the trademark restrictions?

  • If any of the following trademarks are used, they are prohibited:

  • If it Has the kind of character that deceives people.

  • Contains any phrase or thing that might offend religious feelings among India's residents of any class.

  • If it contains indecent or controversial stuff. If it's illegal under the Emblems and Names (Prevention of Improper Use) Act


2.   Is it simple to register a trademark in the United Kingdom?

When it comes to intellectual property protection, nothing beats trademark registration. However, some individuals struggle with basic applications on the intellectual property office website in the U.K. and end up hiring counsels.


3.   What follows if you use a trademark in the United Kingdom without permission?

You may typically obtain authorization to utilize another person's intellectual property (I.P.) by purchasing their rights or obtaining their permission. I.P. violation occurs when you use someone else's trademark, patent, copyrights, or artwork without their approval. It can result in fines, prison sentences, or both.



In retrospect, registration of a trademark in the U.K is an easy-going and straightforward process once you know the property channels to go through. However, the process can still be done by the international registration system. This is possible since the U.K is still a member of the Madrid protocol.



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